
Back in the dark days of the internet it was customary, on personal webpages, to have a page of links. That was before people posted all their favorite nonsense on Facebook or Twitter, and long before the term blog was coined. This little page here is just a collection of various curios that are favorites of mine. It is as much for me to keep track as anything.

I call it 'toybox' because it seems too quaint to have a page called 'links' even though that is what it is.



Astronomy Picture of the Day

A Slower Speed of Light A game in a universe where the speed of light is very slow. It is a way to play around with relativity.


Xpenguins Because the look on a grad student's face when you show them the first time is beautiful.

XCDF This is a really quite excellent package for bit-packed tree-structured data by Jim Braun at the University of Wisconsin, formerly of the University of Maryland. It's the HAWC data format.

Blockly Games Blockly is a graphical programming front-end to a subset of javascript. This is a series of programming "games" using the language.

ROOT Data analysis framework commonly used in high-energy physics. You may also need these.

STEM: A Kids' Guide to Understanding Coding and Software Development A cool guide for kids getting into programming for the first time. (Thanks, Ava, for the reference!)


Santa Fe Clay Downtown Santa Fe. Clay supplies and classes.

Pexels Free stock photos. Free gaming icons.

myNoise Generates various categories of noise. You dial in the different noise components as you like.

22 Pixar Storytelling Rules Apparently they all originate on Emma Coats' Twitter Feed but were gathered up for all to see.

Adobe Color Creator Cool for creating, discovering, and testing color themes.

Wind Map Undersold by a simple name, this is a really beautiful real-time map of the wind in the US.

Random Cave Map Creator It generates random maps of caves... if that's your thing.

Youtube Playlist Public Youtube Playlist. Just some videos I like.